Friday, May 17, 2013

Welcome to Starfleet Dental's Ministry of Peace and Prosperity

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Dear Leader, and the Word was Free Arus.
2 The same was in the beginning with Dear Leader.
3 All things were extinguished by him; and without him was not any thing made that was not extinguished.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of dentistry.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the pubbies comprehended it not.
6 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into Drozana.
7 And the Word was made enamel, and dwelt among us, full of grace and tooth.
8 And of his fulness have all we received, and braces for Lisa.
9 For the law was given by Dear Leader, but grace and truth came by Butts. 
- The Book of Butts 

The passage above, taken from the most sacred Book of Butts, is a fitting start to this blog for two reasons: First, it reminds Dentals of their origins, their predecessors, and their mission. These few lines, these  combinations of simple words strung together into basic grammatical patterns, are more than language; they are the essence of what it means to be Dental. In every member, from the newest recruit to the seasoned veteran, these words stir up a complex mixture of emotions when uttered: pride, for their history, their eternal Dear Leader, and their place in Starfleet legend; hope, that one day every capable STO player will one day stand beside them, shoulder to shoulder, saluting the banner of Dental; And, lastly, sorrow, that many players are blind and and deaf, unable to grasp the message of PEACE given to us through the Dear Leader's intermediary, Butts. Second, it is a passage about a new beginning, a new era in which a great truth was revealed to all whom would listen with open minds and hearts. This blog, too, is a beginning. It is a beginning to a new chapter in the sometimes cloudy relationship between Starfleet Dental and the general playerbase. In the interest of greater transparency, the Ministry of Peace and Prosperity has opened a channel to give all players, regardless of fleet affiliation or faction, an inside glimpse into the workings of the MOPP as it works tirelessly and relentlessly to build lasting bridges with the STO community.

What we do: The Ministry of Peace and Prosperity offers a wide range of community-based services and programs open to the general public and largely free of charge*. Our aim is to further the vision of the Dear Leader by creating a system of trust and cooperation between peace-loving players and fleets with a common goal -- to establish an oasis of freedom, concord, and prosperity on Drozana station for others to aspire to elsewhere.

We Perform:
-Player/fleet mediation and negotiation
-Regular player feedback initiatives
-ERP removal from Drozana, DS9, Bajor, Defera, and Risa
-Counseling and support services to "trolling" victims
-Internal investigations within Dental-affiliate fleets to discipline "troll" members at the request of individual players
-Spiritual guidance and conferences on the benefits of The Dear Leader's teachings
-Financial advice

What YOU can do: The MOPP is aware of Starfleet Dental's reputation in STO, especially amongst the RP community, and we wish to solve our differences and move on, together, in the spirit of mutual cooperation and trust. While we will continue our campaign against ERP in public zones, and against the targeting of minors, it is our belief that a strong NON-ERP roleplaying community is essential to the spirit of Star Trek Online. However, there is often an overlap between ERP and RP, and the MOPP would like to create a buffer between the two camps so RP fleets can function without fear of Dental intervention while those guilty of ERP will face continued persecution and marginalization. To do this, we need RP fleets to pledge their support to our mission and help weed out ERPers from their rosters and, in return, Dental will work with those fleets to ensure they are not the victim of fumigation. The MOPP also assists players who feel they have been unjustly targeted by Starfleet Dental by launching investigations into alleged "trolling". Since GM tickets are largely ineffective, the MOPP vows to act swiftly and fairly on any report addressed to our leadership.

Who can I contact?

The MOPP Leadership is:
The Dear Leader- Eternal Chairman and Luminary of Starfleet Dental and its affiliates
Nbreeki - General Secretary, Chairman of the Central Guidance Commission for Building Spiritual Civilization
Ipkris - First Secretary and Chairman of the Pubbie Relations Council
Buschmaki - High Adjudicator of the Supreme Court of the Masses, Starfleet Dental Academy Liaison
Oin - Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Adanna - Secretariat of the Ministry of Peace and Prosperity Central Committee, Nerds of Prey Liaison
Q'imby - Head of the MOPP Foundry Propaganda Department

*While many services are essentially free of charge, the MOPP is not fully supported by Starfleet Dental and sometimes requires small administrative fees to keep our offices running efficiently.